Meet our beyond a miracle baby boy: Oliver D. Cruz Montgomery at 19 weeks!
How far along? 19 weeks! Almost halfway!
Weight gain: I haven't checked today but last time I did, I was up 8 lbs. I would estimate 7-9?
Sleep: I've always been such a night owl but I keep reading that sleep must be amazing about! Not yet!
Best moment this week: Reading Geoff's first Facebook post in over a month! He posted our 19 week picture and had been soo eager to share the name(s) he chose with everyone! I really wanted Geoff to choose our baby's name. His grandfather had named his father, his father had named Geoff...It just seemed appropriate. And dude!! He survived Cancer TWICE! Let's keep it real, this man is GOLD! He has amazing steeze and I knew he would come up with something awesome. He had been contemplating a couple of names back and forth and I did eliminate a couple (8 years of being a teacher does that to you). For first names, he had two he kept going back & forth on: Oliver and Nixon. I loved them both but while Nixon made him think of awesome watches, I could only think of former President. No, thanks. But the name itself is pretty badass. Even then, I was open to be convinced of anything. He finally decided he was going to do both (two middle names)! Lol. The more he thought of it, the more he decided there needed to be more meaning to our only baby. So he posted on his Facebook how he came up with everything. Reading his words, excitement and love was the BEST! Here is his caption:
"It is with tremendous honor and excitement that I share with you all that our little man now has a name! Oliver D. Cruz Montgomery! I cannot even begin to explain the feeling of being able to name our child, the best of myself and my bette
r half! When my wife said she wanted me to name him, i was nervous and excited, and extremely touched, such an amazingly kind gesture! (love ya babe!) It was very important that our boy's name be something he would be proud of, a name with meaning! Oliver means "bringer of peace" which is exactly what he did during these last few chaotic months. My Grandpa's middle name was D, just the letter, so we want to honor him by keeping his memory alive and strong through our son. I liked Cruz because it is important for our boy to know and be proud of his heritage, his roots. Cruz meaning "cross" also pays homage to the fact that he truly is our "Miracle Baby!" plus it's pronounced "cruise" which is my favorite thing to do, and hope to pass on the family love of automobiles! We cannot wait til January to introduce you all to our little man, our beyond miracle baby, Oliver D. Cruz Montgomery!"
Miss anything?: wine & champagne!
Movement: August 28th, 2012 around 4:30pm mid reverse-push ups! I was in the middle of an intense HIIT workout and all of a sudden I felt a little ripple in my lower abdomen. I took note but continued a few more reps and felt it again! I stopped and exclaimed that I thought I had just felt the baby! Bre, who was working out with me, stopped in her tracks and ran over to my tummy. I pressed down on the post where I felt it and there is went, two more times! I am not 100% positive but I think it was it! Then last night, while laying in bed, I felt another similar ripple twice. <3
On Thursday, we had an anatomy ultrasound with a technician at our clinic. I was supposed to have a full bladder going in and show up 15 minutes early. I arrived at 9:45am already having drank about 50 ounces of water. I felt like I could barely walk up to sign in, haha! I didn't get seen until 10:35am!! Longest, most uncomfortable wait, ever! The tech kept laughing and telling us "Once your baby is born, PLEASE tell him that he gave the ultrasound guy a really hard time!" Our little guy would NOT stop moving all over the place! The tech told us three times "You two are in for it!! I just want to know who is going to be the one running after him." Our midwife told us that they can tell SO much about the baby's personality from the way they act in the womb, so that she also thinks we're in for it. "I'll show you Miracle Baby, Mom!!" hahaha! Oh, boy! Literally! [Which he also confirmed our baby is a boy, haha]! I can't wait until I constantly feel him and I am sure of it. I especially cannot wait until Geoff can also feel him move.
Food cravings: I decided last week that I needed to get myself in check. I am definitely taking advantage of being pregnant but I don't want to overdo anything. So my rule is super healthy, clean eating all week long, for all meals. & weekends can include cheats! <3 Geoff has been craving junk so I am making him wait til the weekend (as in Saturday or Sunday)! I told him earlier this week that I was craving spaghetti. I don't even remember the last time I ate spaghetti! The sweetest thing: today he made me spaghetti!! He said he wanted to be up more and even went to Albertson's on his own (without telling me while I was at work, of course--why, I outta!!!!). But he bought everything and then made me dinner. I can't even remember the last time he made me dinner. I felt so special! <3
Anything making you queasy or sick?: Still trying to get rid of my daily headaches.
Gender: Badass Baby Boy Montgomery! Feeling so good about this at this point. The fear I wrote about last week is still present but not overbearing like it has been! I am happy to move on from those feelings and I know Geoff is, too. Releasing all of that weight was really therapeutic; so glad I did. :]
Labor signs: Not yet but I keep thinking about it! & thinking that he will be here before his due date; I think because of how active he is!
Symptoms: I think I'm starting to show! As in looking a little bigger than full!! At least to those who know what my belly usually looks like!
Belly button in or out?: round innie! I wonder when the time will come to switch out my belly button ring!
Wedding rings on or off?: on
Happy or Moody most of the time?: Work has been super busy and hectic. I have eaten lunch at my desk all week while working- today I didn't even get time for lunch! Being a counselor and a teacher is tough. Mentally and emotionally exhausting as well. Definitely happy for the three day weekend. This counselor needs a mental health day! But overall, I'm so happy that Geoff and I are focusing on our baby who deserves all the love and attention in the world!
Looking forward to: Geoff's Dirty Thirty! No idea what we'll do because I don't know how active he will be in 5 days, but we'll see! I also ordered the crib last night, the fabric for the curtains/accessories, and this weekend I'm planning on going thrift store shopping for a dresser and glider. I want to go look at paint, too! Can't wait to work on the nursery!
Hahaha his lips! ❤