what?! 20 months! noooo....too fast, slow down!!
what?! 20 months! noooo....too fast, slow down!!
30 lbs.,
cooking, both in his little kitchen and in ours; reading tons of books before bedtime, riding his bike, playing with cars and making them go "vroom," pointing out trucks, helicopters, airplanes, trash trucks, playing with his cousin and friends, accessorizing, pointing at things and saying their name, calling people on the phone, including FaceTiming.
cooking, both in his little kitchen and in ours; reading tons of books before bedtime, riding his bike, playing with cars and making them go "vroom," pointing out trucks, helicopters, airplanes, trash trucks, playing with his cousin and friends, accessorizing, pointing at things and saying their name, calling people on the phone, including FaceTiming.
The last weekend of your 19th month was so amazing. We watched you grow and mature. A lot less tantrums (knock on wood- I literally just did), and more independent play. A lot more snuggles and loves. Our crazy little piece of Heaven.
The last weekend of your 19th month was so amazing. We watched you grow and mature. A lot less tantrums (knock on wood- I literally just did), and more independent play. A lot more snuggles and loves. Our crazy little piece of Heaven.
Absolutely the same as last month. There have been a couple of times this month where he has woken up crying and instead of helping him back to sleep, I have just brought him into bed with me. It is a completely new experience for me to have him cuddle with me without asking to nurse. It is amazing. He asked only one time and I distracted him and he has not asked since.
Absolutely the same as last month. There have been a couple of times this month where he has woken up crying and instead of helping him back to sleep, I have just brought him into bed with me. It is a completely new experience for me to have him cuddle with me without asking to nurse. It is amazing. He asked only one time and I distracted him and he has not asked since.
Still repeating everything and we are loving it!
We took a 3.5 minute video asking him to repeat every word and name we could think of. His little voice is the best sound in the world- besides his laughing!
Favorite Foods:
Whatever he decides for that day! Some days he is super picky, while others he is a bottomless pit!
We went out to eat and there was raw onions on the condiments section--this boy started eating them happily! Um..
22 days of no nursing!
Still can't believe it.
I miss it but I am so proud of us!
Favorite Things:
Same as last months: Still obsessed with all things kitchen, all things with motors, going on our nightly sunset "by ry" (bike ride), jumping (funniest thing ever), working out (this kid can lift weights my client's use!), eating, the pool, bubbles, music and books.
Signature Moves:
This month it's his surprised and excited face! Oh man, I have to get it on video. Geoff came home with a box of pizza the other night, and this baby boy, ran to him with his arms up, his mouth shaped in the most perfect oval, and he gasped! "Bi-sa!!!!!!!" Then he threw back his head and laughed and started jumping up and down! He does the same thing for anything he loves- oh, a truck! cue excitement!
Also, saying that things "Stink" and you need to throw them to the trash- because he is beyond obsessed with the trash!
He loves to give Honey Munster kisses and hugs. But he equally loves to tell her no and shake his little chubby finger at her. We have now changed our language with Honey to say "no, thank you" instead! haha! He also love giving her treats for tricks haha!
Mommy's Proudest Moment:
Ah. So remember that he repeats everything?! Well, I needed that reminder. He was eating something weird, like raw onions. I made a face and said "gross," without realizing it and within seconds it became Oliver's favorite thing to say for the evening! ooops!
Daddy's Proudest Moment:
Geoff decided it was a great idea to play catch with Oliver. He had him stand in the middle of his tub during the bubble bath. Of course, Oliver slipped and fell. And of course, Geoff didn't think anything of it! Ay.
This Month's Highlights:
- Mommy and Daddy left you for a weekend so we could go to Titi Isa and Nino Jake's wedding! You did so great! We were so proud of you (and ourselves).
-You became obsessed with tattoos (temporary ones) and want one on all the time!
-We celebrated both Daddy and Mommy's birthdays and you did an amazing job at blowing out the candles each time!
- You received your own little kitchen and became obsessed with playing with it daily.
- Daddy went on a business trip and you spend a week with just Mommy. It was tiring but great to have that time together.
- Mommy and you had a photoshoot!
- We went on lots of walks with Auntie Bre to help her get ready for having Baby Duke!
- We learned that you can make yourself cry with real tears and everything!
- PetSmart became a favorite place for you! You love looking at all the different animals!
- You met Baby Duke and it became official that you are in love with babies and want one of your own!
- You took a picture of Mommy and learned to take selfies! haha!
- You helped make our first batch of pumpkin pancakes!
- We went to Target and you chose a hot pink pumpkin! How could we resist buying it for you!?
- You had playdates with your cousin, Karston!
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