Mamahood Styled


Work it Out, Mama!

I recently went on our second annual family vacation! One week of living on the beach does the soul oh-so-good! I knew that I definitely wanted to indulge with treats and lots of rest + relaxation, but I definitely did not want to stop working out. It truly is such a big part of my every day routine, the equivalency to therapy for this counselor.

I started off every morning with taking Oliver to the park with Geoff and watching them play while I worked out! I took my sandbag so I could add weight as needed- perfect! Everyone surrounding us was really active, too! I loved seeing people around me working out, too! After my 30 minute workouts, we would go back to the house, the whole family would get on their bikes, Oliver would climb onto his running stroller, and we would run 3 miles along the beach! It was the best way to start off our mornings! I am craving it as I type! The oceanside views were ideal for running outdoors! 

After a few days, and lots of questions from other mamas at the park regarding exercises and working out while playing with their babies, I decided it'd be fun to share different exercises that others can incorporate into their routines. Whether at home or at the park, you can incorporate these basic exercises to help you meet your goals, all while teaching your bebes healthy habits! 

I currently workout six days a week and change my workout routines every 4-6 weeks. I do lots of HIIT (high intensity interval training) using a timer (50 seconds of hard work/10 seconds of rest, 30 minutes total) with heavy lifting, and plyometrics incorporated. This is what works for me and I truly find enjoyable. I do not enjoy running or steady-state cardio but sometimes add it in to challenge myself. Usually, if I hate doing an exercise, I add it more into my routine because I tend to be weak in the ones I detest. 

I had Geoff film some quick ideas and exercises to share with you! Hope you enjoy them and they give you ideas! Feel free to ask any questions and I'll be happy to share! Modify these as you wish! Always watch your footing, your baby's placement, and your own fitness level! Don't have a baby? Borrow one or use weights! Does your ideal vacation not include workouts? Then don't! Do what suits you, guilt-free! But do hydrate! ;)

Mama + Babe Exercises
-sit-ups with baby raise
-leg lifts with reverse crunch
-baby chest press
-squats with variations (narrow, shoulder, wide)
-walking lunges
-walking lunges with front kick
-sumo pulses
-step ups with leg lift

Exercises at the Park
-box jumps on ledge
-swing pikes
-swing push up with knee tuck
-tricep dips
-tricep dips with alternating leg lifts
-high knees
-I deleted my monkey bars + pulls ups because they were pretty pathetic, haha! New goals!

& just because he is so rad, #odcm's renditions of the following exercises:
-leg lifts
-lunges (I think!)
and the last clip: he saw a pretty toddler mamacita and homeboy could not keep his eyes off her!

I have to add that prior to going on this vacation, I was pretty hard on myself. My husband kept telling me I was in amazing shape but I just couldn't see it. Then during this vacation, he snapped some pictures of me that made me finally "see" myself the way he does. Something clicked in my head. I am so proud of what I have been able to accomplish and to finally start to see my hard work paying off in my strength, endurance and aesthetics.

Am I 100% where I ideally want to be? Nope! Am I happy with my progress? Heck yes! I have built muscles I never expected to have and have kept in shape year round- not just for summer or specific events! I eat a healthy, yet balanced diet every day- including more treats than I care to admit! I do not work out to pig out, I work out because it makes me feel amazingly unstoppable, undeafeatable, and releases my frustrations; I pig out because I simply love to eat and usually can out-eat most grown men, hahaha!

Let's workout, homegirls!

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