Mamahood Styled


39 weeks!

How far along? 39 weeks, 3 days
Weight gain: still at 21 pounds at my 39 weeks appointment but I feel much heavier now.
Sleep: I've been pretty exhausted lately, as in sleepy! It's insane how my body is at this point!
Best moment this week: Knowing that we are so close to meeting our little guy has been really amazing. Terrifying but exciting. I feel that up to this point, everytime someone would ask me if I was ready, I wasn't. I felt more nervous than excited. It has been such a trying week for me. I kept thinking "maybe, today's the day!" I would analyze everything my body reacted to; every pain, cramp, contraction, movement. Everyone who saw me would inquire about when the baby was coming...we tried pretty much eeeeverything short of castor oil to induce our labor!
It has been a lot of pressure that I am now ready to let go of. Last month was all about keeping the baby safe inside. Earlier this month, was about not having the baby on certain dates because I was made to believe it would interfere with others' plans. This last week was about the baby coming because it was convenient for our schedules. I shake my head at the ridiculousness of all this incessant planning. God must be, too. Now, I have come to terms with the fact that just because I was on bedrest for a whole month doesn't necessarily mean that our baby was going to be here the moment I moved. Yes, it did feel this way, but in reality, I gave the baby what he needed at the time. More time to be protected so he could be nourished and grow safely and NOT end up in NICU. My body recovered and kept him where he needed to be. When I got off of bedrest, I took it easy and let myself recover. I didn't go into regular mode until recently and now we are exactly where we need to be. 
I feel ready. My mind is determined and my heart is full. Also, a pregnancy is 40 weeks long- I don't know why we all push so hard for an earlier date. I have read article after article how babies who go to term (40 weeks) are smarter, anyway! ;) Plus, it is only an estimated due date (EDD). So in reality, we can totally go beyond January 25th. & I need to be okay with that! :]
Miss anything?: Not wondering when this is going to happen! Although, I woke up this morning, feeling more at peace with it all! It will happen when God and Oliver feel that the time is right!
Movement: Some days it's nonstop. Other days, super sporadic. Baby boy has run out of room! 
Anything making you queasy or sick?: morning stuffed-up-ness, but other than that, I have avoided getting sick, which is great! Being congested for so long due to pregnancy does suck though!
Gender: Baby boy!
Labor signs: At my 39 week appointment, I had dilated a bit more and my cervix had shortened- all signs towards labor. I had my membranes stripped again and although I did lose my mucuous plug again, I didn't even have contractions like last week. It's been over 48 hours since it was done, which means that it just didn't work for me. My body and my baby are simply not ready for labor yet. I do feel a lot of pressure from time to time and some aches and pains. I think it's just my body preparing.
Belly button in or out?: goodness, this little thing is all over the place, haha!
Wedding rings on or off?: no swelling (yet)!
Happy or Moody most of the time?: Attempting relaxation today after such a tough week or getting excited then being disappointed.
Looking forward to: Our garage is pretty much done! We have some overhead storage compartments to put up but there's no big hurry to get those up! Our maternity pictures are halfway done and we are just hanging out with each other today. We have spent so much time prepping for our baby boy that now we are just ready to relax and hang out with each other. The love that Geoff and I have for each other is something I never, ever doubt. No matter what happens, I always know and I am assured that we love each other more than anything or anyone else. That love is what has kept us together despite all of the hardships we have been through; it is what created this miracle baby...and it is what we have to focus on today. Because tomorrow, our lives may change forever.

My week in pictures:

I've been keeping a towel with extra bottoms juuuuust in case my water were to break, haha!
I wonder if I'll get to use it!?


A Letter to Oliver

Oliver D. Cruz Montgomery: (n.) Our sweet, sweet angel/miracle/savior/little man/homie/love of our lives.
We are anticipating the day we first get to lay our eyes on you. All I can do right now is try to put into words how much love we have for you. You are the biggest miracle in our lives; other than your father (whoa, did I just write that?) being here. The story of your creation and life is one that leaves me with tears in my eyes and a joy-filled heart because it reminds me that miracles genuinely happen. We never expected to be able to experience you and yet even though we haven’t officially met you, we couldn’t be more in love with you. You have given me the opportunity to bond with you in a way that is extremely difficult to describe. Watching my belly grow, feeling you move, kick and squirm has been the most amazing experience of my life. I never feel alone. You are the only one who knows what I feel at all moments. You are my reason for being. I love that I can protect you right now. I can shield you from all that is negative in this world. But I also want to meet you already.
 I can imagine looking into your eyes and trying to see into your soul; Playing with your little fingers and toes. The idea that you are created out of an immense love; love between your dad and I. You are 50% of him, and 50% of mine. Yet you are all yours, too. You will have your own thoughts, ideas, opinions and personality. We spent countless conversations trying to figure out what you look like, what you will be like, if you’ll enjoy us and for how long. We talk about you incessantly, and make you the center of our worlds. & you’re not even here yet…
We don’t know what life for the three of us will bring (plus, Honey Munster). But we do know that we adore you. We are willing to do anything and everything to continue protecting you, to keeping you happy, healthy and always know you are loved. We have so many dreams and aspirations for you- we cannot wait to learn what yours are. We eagerly anticipate getting to know your personality- we already know you can be extremely impatient like me, and then change your mind and take all the time in the world like your dad! We know that you are an active little guy and everyone who has even seen you through an ultrasound tells us we are in for it- your energy is contagious. Every kick, squirm and wiggle from inside of me, makes me laugh. It also centers my existence. Reminds me what life is all about.
I hope you always feel loved. I hope you always remember that we are doing the best that we can and we promise to make your life as beautiful as you have made ours. We know we will make many mistakes and we hope you can forgive us for them all. We know that you will make some, too, and we hope we are patient and kind to you through them all, while still help you become a healthy, respectful, fun man. The kind of man that any person will be blessed to know.
Because right now, that’s what you are to us. The blessing we are the happiest to get to meet. You have already changed our lives forever. You are so loved, so anticipated, so special to a lot of us.  We all adore you and cannot wait to meet you.
We promise to make your life as beautiful as you deserve; as beautiful as you have already made ours.
See you soon, Little Man.
Your soon-to-be-Mom


38 weeks and counting!

Cannot believe we have made it this far! What a blessing!

Front view- pushing it allll out! haha! SO in love with my baby bump!

How far along? 38 weeks, 3 days
Weight gain: 21 pounds!
Sleep: I slept pretty well this weekend! Saturday I was pretty sure I was in labor- yet I slept through the night! I don't even remember if I woke up to go to the restroom!
Best moment this week: Our weekend! I really enjoyed my Friday-Sunday!
Miss anything?: Having plans and sticking to them, haa! I am not good at not being able to plan and not knowing when and how our baby is coming is crazy! But you know what? There are VERY VERY few surprises in this life we live. I have to appreciate our biggest one!
Movement: Saturday was a tornado! Sunday was the calm before the storm! Today (Monday) is constant moving and some hiccups as I type!
Anything making you queasy or sick?: No but I did wake up stuffed up this morning and freezing cold! I am fine now so it may just have been a morning thing. Today is "the coldest day of the year," thus far. It really is freezing cold outside. We have big sliding doors that I sleep by in our bedroom and it doesn't help that Geoff doesn't like to sleep in warmth. I've noticed that Oliver's nursery is SO cold!! I can't figure it out but poor baby will NOT be sleeping in there while it is freezing. Geoff and I will have to switch sides in our bed so we can position the bassinet on his side (away from the window) and I can by the baby since I'll be on maternity leave. Really, I should be away from the window, lol!
Gender: Sweet, crazy baby boy! I found where I want to do his first birthday photoshoot! I told you I'm a planner, haha! Totally goes with his Little Man first birthday theme, too! ;)
Labor signs: More mucuous plug, painful contractions that radiated from my back to the bottom of my uterus, and just a feeling. But that was Friday-Saturday. Today: nada!
Belly button in or out?: in and out and simply different!
Wedding rings on or off?: no swelling (yet)!
Happy or Moody most of the time?: Nervous & happy!
Looking forward to: Finishing up the last task on our to do list: our garage! It is already cleaned out and organized, we just have to put some stuff in the cabinet Geoff installed and put all of the bikes on the ceiling. Then we can fit two cars in there! The '41 Chevy should not be outside, ever.
Also looking forward to the next most important day of our lives: the birth of our baby!
Week 37 in Pictures:

Friday at work! I made it through my first week back at school!
This is my friend at work! She is 7.5 months pregnant and I'm 9.5! She is the total norm and
I think so lucky to be showing like she is! I had to wait sooo long for my baby bump!
Not that I'm complaining now, I loooove it! <3

Friday night: First dinner out in 5 weeks!! Texas Roadhouse (yum) to celebrate Grandma Loy's birfday!
I got food on my blouse THREE times! Haha!

Geoff thought it'd be so funny for me to ride on this! The whole time I was on bedrest he kept teasing
me about taking me out in one! After dinner, we went to Target to walk around! First time at a store in 5 weeks! Woot!

Thursday Night crafting with Geoff's help:

Early Saturday morning! We went to three different soccer games for our little loves! First, we had Aiden's game at 8am! It was freezing, thermostat-wise but wasn't bad at all once we were outside! He did SO good! Really ran around and kicked the ball a few times! I still can't believe he is growing up so fast! Time has flown by! My little Penguin!
Carson and Sophie had their games at 10am in the same place- and luckily, they were side by side so we were able to split our time evenly between the two! (Bre has pictures of us and Carson on her phone)! Sophie has become quite the athlete! It amazes me how big all the kids on her team are, and then I realize "holy moly! that's my goddaughter!" I found all of her invites to her birthday parties tonight! Made me teary eyed that she is a big girl now! Carson was so fun to watch, too! He was SO excited and happy!!! He was all over the place which was hilarious to witness- at one point when we left to go to Sophie's, he followed! haha! He was so excited to see us that when we left he looked like he was going to cry :( My little loves are growing up! I wasn't able to go to all three of their first games last week so I'm so glad I got to see at least this one! I can't believe that next year we will have an 11+month old to take! Eek!
After our 8-11am games, we were famished! We went to Denny's for brunch- our first solo date! Much quality time together! I had my first painful contraction of the day around noon this day! We went to Home Depot afterwards to get some organizational stuff for our garage and I continued breathing through my incessant contractions. When we got home, Bre took me to get a mani+pedi because I was so sure Saturday was the day! I was gone from 2-4pm and came home to the same. I cleaned as much as I could (nesting or just being me?). We were going to do our photoshoot and just didn't get around to it because we were working on other stuff and it got too late. I was so sad thinking I was going to lose my baby bump that night and never have it captured the way we had envisioned! The contractions subsided throughout the night and I actually got a full night's sleep! When we woke up Sunday, we thanked God for giving us an extra day to continue with our plans. We spent the whole day shooting our maternity pictures and went to a buffet for lunch/dinner! It was kinda crappy, haha! Oh well, we still stuffed ourselves and laughed the evening away! When we got home we organized some more things and are now focused to go to work on Monday and get things done there. We feel pretty sure Oliver will be here early this week!
Coldest day of the year! Tan, brown, gold and white seem appropriate!

Photoshoot Preview





37 weeks and off of bedrest

Baby is ready any day now!

How far along? 37 weeks, 5 days
Weight gain: 20 lbs. I feel pretty good about my body. I have no idea what it will look like after- I’m thinking very undertoned…but at least for pregnancy, I am proud of what I have been able to maintain, especially when average gain for my height/frame is supposed to be 30-35lbs. I am sure I will still gain a bit, but knowing that the baby is over 6 of those pounds, along with extra blood, fluid, placenta, giant boobs, etc., really makes me feel good. Workout during your pregnancy, Ladies! I cannot advocate this enough! I did not get ANY discomforts that are quite typical (back aches, joint pain, swelling- although that one can come at any time) and I attribute it all to staying so active. You don’t have to get all crazy and start doing crossfit workouts, but definitely stay active- whether it’s going for speed walks, strength training and simple squats and lunges. Of course, listen to your body! I had crazy 24/7 morning sickness for the first 4 months- granted I didn’t know we were expecting the first 2 months, but I was still sick. I found that the thought of working out made me queasy, but the actual workouts made me feel a lot better- it was just hard to get motivated to do them. Granted, it was my job to workout everyday, so it made it a lot easier to remain accountable. I was able to workout without many modifications until my third trimester. As soon as I hit that mark, my workouts all modified to less impact, no HIIT, and just whenever I had the energy to get through them.  I really learned to enjoy a lot of the foods that I had said no to for years. Ranch on salad, heck yes! Some weeks I ate out too much and felt sluggish and wanted it even more. Other weeks, I would eat really clean during the week and splurge on the weekends. While on bedrest, I had to rely on my husband to do all the meal planning and cooking- a first for him. He brought food in half of the time and cooked the other, so we were able to maintain a good ratio. Now as I approach the end of my pregnancy and I amoff of bedrest, my plan is to start a light workout routine this weekend and continue to enjoy the foods I know I will not be touching once our baby arrives. I know I could be eating a lot better, but I honestly cannot think of another time when I will allow myself to satisfy cravings and based on my weight gain, I think my body is taking it in moderation.
Sleep: I realized that there is no way we can bank our sleep. Getting tons of sleep now will do nothing when the baby arrives. As soon as there is one night that we don’t get enough sleep, we are back to square one. I keep reminding myself this because sleep just doesn’t come. I am beyond exhausted this week but I am still an insomniac. It makes coming to work a lot harder. I just hope that I get enough sleep the night before I go into labor & delivery!  
Best moment this week: The best thing that happened this week was that we turned 37 weeks pregnant with our baby bump still growing. & the fact that I am two days away from 38 weeks, again with no baby yet! & now, I am off of bedrest! Even though regaining strength and energy has been so difficult, I know that this is better than going into labor WHILE on bedrest!
Miss anything?: Just focused!  
Movement: I can feel so much movement, and pain, because the baby has no room left. He is lodged inside (I think) of my ribcage. It is so uncomfortable and hurts a lot. But it is neat to feel him at all times. Poor little guy has no more room!
Anything making you queasy or sick?: Sometimes I have trouble breathing at night but I know that sinuses are a side effect of pregnancy so nothing serious. The worst flu season in 18 years is in full effect right now. At work, I have a front desk and a private office. I have been staying in my private office all week. I don’t get to interact as much but I prefer that over getting sick right now.
Gender: Little Man! Theme for his first birthday, too, haha! Seriously, is it weirdo behavior to already have this picked out since I came to terms with our baby being a boy?!
Labor signs: At our 37 week appointment, we were still the same dilation/effacement but he had dropped down one position. I am interested inseeing in two days where we are at!
On Tuesday morning, I woke up super early, thinking that perhaps my water had broken. Either that, or I peed myself! My pee doesn’t smell if it was it! It’s been a little over 24 hours and nothing so I am going to go with pee! I have been in such denial about going into labor this week that I am ignoring everything labor related that happens.
Belly button in or out?: Right now, in; but definitely out often!
Wedding rings on or off?: Always on.
Happy or Moody most of the time?: This week started off stressful and now feels smooth!
Looking forward to: The weekend! I am going to do a lot of typical stuff we normally take for granted. Things like going for a walk, going to a store or two, and going out to eat! I can’t wait! I want it to be Friday at 4pm already so I am off of work and I can enjoy! We are also super close to being 100% done with our house. The only things remaining are cleaning baseboards, ceiling fans, and painting little parts of walls throughout the house. Of course, this doesn’t include the everyday chores of wiping/disinfecting surfaces, vacuuming, etc. We also have a couple ofthings to finish up in the garage but for the most part our house is all done!Every cabinet and drawer is completely organized and deep-cleaned! It’s pretty amazing! At least for people like me, haha!

Week 37 in Pictures:

Neopolitan milkshake with well done fries for dipping! Yum!

One of my favorite DIY baby projects! Love them so much!
Took a lot of trial and error but so worth it! If I ever reopen my Cinnamon line,
I'm adding these to it because they're way too cute!
100% handcut and handsewn!

Geoff had been craving croque monsieurs from our honeymoon in Paris.
100% on his own, he looked up tons of recipes, took himself grocery shopping and created this!
The picture doesn't o it justice but my goodness, the taste is spot on!
I told him he's screwed now that he's cooking!

During our NYE celebration, the girls thought of decorating a Pellegrino bottle for me!
So I pulled out my Martha Stewart glitter box, haha! and ta-da! So pretty!

Winter wear while pregnant is my faaavorite to show off my bump! & layers are key!

I was about 2 years old in this picture and it's the only one of being baby-like that I own!

I got an email today stating the top 15 things you should do,
1. Go on a vineyard tour- check!
2. go bungee jumping or skydiving- check for each!
3. go to restaurants/bars you've been meaning to check out- check!
4. appreciate alone time in the bathroom- hahaha! will do! I hear my mommy gf's say this a lot!
5. don't be self-righteous about kids throwing tantrums- check! we babysit enough to have had it happen to us a million times. It's embarrasing but a lot of times, it doesn't say much about parenting. It's still annoying whether it's kiddos you're with or not though!
6. Take a road trip- gazillion checks!
7. Be spontaneous- check!
8. spend an entire day in bed watching movies and eating together- check! Thank you, bedrest, haha!
9. Have boozy lunches with friends- check! day drinking is my fave!
10. Feed your minimalistic side- check! As in not babyproofing your house and having nice things. Done! We always realize how non-kid proof our house is when our favorite little people come over and are mesmerized by the knick knacks we have that end up in their little hands, mouths, and our floor, lol!
11. Be the last ones to leave a party- check! We love to be social!
12. Fly first class- we wish! Fortunately, we have flown a lot and traveled a lot and have been able to share a lot of parts of the world together! <3 Probably one of my favorite things of our relationship! & we don't plan on stopping just because of our baby! We want our baby to be well traveled/cultured and decided after 1st grade to include him in our trips- before then it doesn't seem worth it!  Maybe one day we'll get bumped up to first class!
13. Wear as much dry-clean, silk, cashmere as you can- not my cup of tea regardless!
14. Take a career risk- just took mine a year ago! Geoff is working on his! so, check!
15. Get your drink on- haha, check!

I'm glad to see that we have done a lot throughout our relationship. Although this little article is insignificant, it still is cool to see that we have led a well-rounded relationship. I don't want to stop doing any of these things. Just want to incorporate them ino our new lives. We just talked about this for the umpteenth time two days ago: we hope to still be us individually, us as a couple and add us as parents!


36 Weeks

New Years Day, 2013- 36 weeks, 5 days

How far along? 35 weeks, 6 days today
Weight gain: I am sure I hit the 20 lb. mark (at least) this week- my baby bump is definitely bigger, in my opinion!
Sleep: Oh goodness. Tuesday night was the WORST. I didn't get to sleep until sometime after 7:30AM! As it is I only taking in an average of 4 hours. I woke up around 11:30am-ish. I tried to go back to sleep but wasn't able to until past 1am last night. Then I woke up at 5:30am this morning. I went back to sleep around 8:30am. I feel so exhausted right now. I am prioritizing real rest right now. I need sleep. Please come to me! 
Best moment this week: Friday I had my 36 week appointment; I was taken off of Procardia, which is insane and encouraged to let me body naturally do whatever it needs to do. This may mean a delivery soon, or it could mean nothing at all. That is scary! But makes so much sense. I have been working on getting off of bedrest, too! I am currently on modified bedrest where the majority of my time is in bed but I move more on my own. Friday-Sunday late afternoon, Maritza and Mayra came from CA to spend the weekend with me. It was such a nice time. We spent Friday just lounging. Geoff treated us to a late night dinner and I got to recline downstairs to hang out with them. We talked for hours and hours and hours. On Saturday, we decided to look up recipes we have been wanting to try. We wrote down all the ingredients for our a meal and dessert and the girls went off to get everything. We ended up having a spa day! We did facials, learned how to curl each others hair with a straightener, did our make up and hair. By the time we were done with our r&r, we were too lazy to cook so we ordered pizza and wings from two different places for them, haha! It was great! At the last minute, we decided to have an impromptu NYE celebration because this year we wouldn't be together. It was so fun! I got to go with them to pick up the pizza- although I stayed in the car. I did manage to get out and guess where to? Haha, the Dollar Tree for some NYE party hats and noisemakers. Too funny! We all ate downstairs and then decided to do our nails- one last touch! We printed out an adult version of Apples to Apples and spent the next hour cutting it up. We even glittered one of my Pellegrino bottles to be fancy! ;) I chilled a bottle of wine for them and had Geoff drink a couple of beers. It was perfect! We took pictures, put frozen grapes on skewers for our wishes at countdown (a Latino tradition), and had the most hilarious time with our very inappropriate game! It was fun seeing everyone booze up and start to get buzzed; made me feel the same haha! We stayed up both nights until past 3am! On Sunday, we decided to make our recipes for lunch- mac n cheese and clean cookies! It was delicious! Geoff left to a car show for a few hours and the girls and I decided to go on my first walk. I went around our condos and had to stop for a 10 minute break on the sidewalk, hahaha! We got back and decided to sit around and read the gossip magazines I had been given (thanks to Leah and B), and lay around. By then, the late afternoon had hit and it was time to depart. Which is always so sad. But we made so many new memories and I couldn't have felt more loved.
Additionally, Geoff and I have been trying to spend every moment we can together prepping for our baby's arrival. We have been deep cleaning and organizing, each little section of our home and I am loving every minute of it. :)
Miss anything?: I think I am done missing anything and just more focused than ever to keep our baby in for at least one more week! 
Movement: Tuesday night-Wednesday all day was incredible amounts of hard movement. I thought by this point he'd be out of room and I would feel it less but that's not the case, at all. My ribcage hurts a lot! As I type this, my belly is moving like a rollercoaster! I need to post some video! Last night, we actually could feel and SEE his entire foot!! It was the most insane thing. It really feels like he is laying in transverse position because I can feel him from one side of me to the other at the same time. But last night, I had Geoff check my belly the way our midwife taught him and it appears that his head is still in place (ready to see daylight), his spine is on my right side and feet on the right side. 
Food cravings: Just enjoying food- any food- while I am pregnant! :]
Anything making you queasy or sick?: Luckily, no, but I am so so so uncomfortable and in pain.
Gender: Little Man! Theme for his first birthday, too, haha!
Labor signs: I am pretty sure I lost a tiny bit of my mucus plug last Saturday night. I also was having a lot more pressure and pain. My lower back has started to hurt with contractions, which is brand new. At my 36 week appointment, I hadn't progressed (still 2cm, 50% effaced) so she said for sure we would make it to at least 37 weeks which is tomorrow. My personal goal is to make it to 38 weeks- basically one more week! Then I'm going to go back to normal life until he decides it's time to come. 
Symptoms: Discomfort and pain! 
Belly button in or out?: Right now, in; but definitely out often!
Wedding rings on or off?: Luckily no swelling as of yet!
Happy or Moody most of the time?: This week has been happy, just nervous!!
Looking forward to: making it another week; finishing up all the deep cleaning in our house! I can't wait to take pictures of how organized every cabinet and drawer looks! Our hospital and diaper bags are completely packed now, too! My to do list is almost done! Geoff has tomorrow off and we have lots of things to get done! My car has needed an oil change for awhile now too! Our nephew's first birthday party is this Sunday, Geoff's grandma's birthday is Monday and our nephew's actual birthday is on Wednesday. Ahhh! That's why I want to make it to 38 weeks- there's WAY too much going on from here until then. I also go back to work on Monday. I am planning on taking it super easy this week though. I have also been thinking tons about laboring and our actual delivery. This morning, I watched the documentary "The Business of Being Born," and then I watched two more parts of it. Wow. Huge eye opener and encourager. After all the research I have done, I really cannot believe how easy it has become for women to let medicines control what our bodies and naturally meant and supposed to do. I am 100% determined now to go all natural, unless for sure it is an emergency where our health depends on medical interventions. Pregnancy, I believe, has made me so much more educated about my body and what it is capable of doing. I have done ample research on both ends and have come to my own conclusions; but today left me particularly empowered! I pray I will not need an induction of any sort, any medicine, etc. My midwife is definitely willing to work with me on anything that she can to grant our wishes but is ready to intervene for whatever will be best for our baby. Which is ideally my "plan." Go as natural as possible with any medical interventions necessary for a healthy delivery! :] Scary and nervewrecking!

Week 36 in pictures:

At exactly 36 weeks ready for my appointment!
I worked on our nephew's birthday decor for this upcoming Sunday:
pomaders; food labels; googly eye Cookie Monster cups; welcome sign,
part of his highchair banner; happy birthday pennant; sign!

Pin the Cookie in the Mouth game; chocolate chip cookie waters;
tupperware for take-home cookies!

One year facts
This is the second hair cut Geoff gives Karston! He looks like a little man now!
& Geoff is so talented!
curls that stay while on bedrest!

She has been SOO cuddly!

NYE a night early

frozen grapes for our countdown wishes, glittered Pellegrino- looks like a xmas tree;
wine for the girls and adult version of "Apples to Apples:" perfect NYE!
Honey Munster has been extra cuddly! She is anticipating something!
The CUTEST thing EVER! She wanted to hang out but was tired so
she built a fort and literally covered up her own head!!
First time ever she has done this!
Squirrel and Honey are BFFs! They are OBSESSED with each other!
Sweetest thing to witness!
Hanging out with my baby bump at 36w6d! <3

It's a celebration!
so fun!

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