Mamahood Styled


// 11/52 //

// a portrait of my son, once a week, every week, in 2015" //

i don't think i could ever tire of watching you sleep. not just because you look so peaceful and innocent and calm and beautiful, but because it is probably your least favorite thing to do. sleep at night is still so hard to come by. but your naps are on cue and i cherish our weekends together, when i can witness your calm.


// camp oliver // #oliverturnstwo //

a few weeks before oliver's first birthday, i realized i still didn't have a theme. i was in denial that my baby boy was getting older. i finally decided to just go with his new nursery colors: black, white and gold. it turned out perfect. that week, as i was last-minute DIYing, i went onto pinterest and ran into the camping theme and immediately fell in love. while it was too late to change or incorporate it, i stored it for birthday number two. (and yes, i already have next year's theme in mind). i pinned some rad camping parties and my girl, c, shared with me how she had done hers for her baby boy. inspired by all these great and creative parties, geoff and i went to work!

we first created his birthday invitation:
a little chopped off via IG, but you get the idea! O's Titi Isa got him this beanie/beard for his first birthday! It was simply meant to be!!!

then, geoff convinced me to do it outdoors in a real camping location.

he gathered wood and i sanded, stained, and painted signs, tents, campfires, all things camping:

// campfire flames, gone fishin' cupcakes //

// s'more cupcakes- which were a huge hit, acorns, s'more pops + mud pies //

// mini s'mores, o's donut cake, bear juice //

family pic

-how old are you? -two many!!! we created a camp area with logs for seating, a campfire, and tents. also, his outfit!!! eeek!

we had lumberjack props for photos and i die looking at oliver and his friends using them!

we had a craft table where they could paint their own rocks, color on the white butcher paper, and acorns from up north; they made bird feeders using peanut butter and bird seed

as soon as everyone arrived and were busy eating, we did presents to get them out of the way- it worked perfectly. oliver and his friends were able to play with his new toys and anyone who wanted to watch could, while the rest could eat in peace!

his donut cake says "hooray"

besitos for the birthday boy

he ate that whole donut

for seating, we had everyone bring their camping chairs! it was so perfect!

we had games for the adults

fishing games for the littles

sneaking away campfire flames- which i was not happy about him having so many of haha

diaper changes in the wild haha

we had the best group, and missed some of our loves

of course, there was sangria

the aftermath; our party started at 11am and guests stayed til 5- that's how you know it was a successful one!

our cue that the party was over!
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