Mamahood Styled


Weeks 30 and 31!

How far along? 30 weeks & 31 weeks (two week update)! Technically, today I'm 32.1 weeks but I am updating for Weeks 30 & 31. 
Weight gain: Steady at 18 lbs. with a growing baby bump! :)
Sleep: Sleep has been really, really uncomfortable. I am not necessarily waking up to pee as often as I used to, but I cannot get comfortable enough to fall asleep and stay asleep! It is really frustrating. I got the best sleep I have had in months and months and months this Friday night (technically at 32.0) at a hotel! I slept for 7 hours straight without waking up once! It was amazing! I don't understand why that is not happening every night!
Best moment this week: These two weeks definitely had some best moments! At exactly 30.0 weeks, Geoff had a baby shower at work that I was invited and able to go to. It was so sweet to see him be surrounded by coworkers that absolutely love him! We were blessed enough to receive hundreds of diapers and wipes that are soo helpful! Newborn diapers have got to be the cutest little things ever! That same afternoon, we rushed to make it to L.A. by 7pm to make it to Zumba class with my sisters! It was stressful getting there because there was so much traffic and we were on a big time crunch to make it to class on time. I know going to the class wasn't a big deal but I never get to do anything "typical" with my family. Living so far away means that I only see them every few months when I happen to go for someone else's thing; meaning, it leaves us with extremely limited time to do anything and usually a short visit has to suffice. To be able to go to class with them meant I got to do something they normally do. Geoff was so amazing and managed to safely (and ticket free), get us to class by 7:10pm at the latest! I joined in on the second song and got to hang out for the next 50 minutes with my two sisters and niece. I got a lot of stares, apparently because girls with baby bumps don't usually keep up, haha! It was funny! After class, we went to my mom's where we hung out for an hour or two and then went for an extremely late dinner with my dad. It was really nice to catch up and hang out. We got home pretty late and had to wake up early Saturday morning to go to my 4D-30 week ultrasound. The next morning consisted of more rushing. I invited both my parents, my two sisters, niece, nephew and sister's boyfriend. Unfortunately, we arrived 15 minutes late (augh, traffic and too many people) and despite me calling ahead to time to let them know, they wouldn't take us. I stayed extremely calm despite the lady working being a total B...I couldn't believe that I wouldn't get to see my baby that I had waited soo long to see, so long to share this moment with my family, and I probably wouldn't be able to see until he is born. Luckily, the receptionist was really nice and called in and told us they had a cancellation for an appointment in 2 hours. We decided to take it! We stayed nearby and grabbed breakfast and returned to a much nicer ultrasound technician (same girl, change in attitude). Seeing Oliver D Cruz was amazing! He definitely has my nose and lips and since that's the main defined features so far, it's insane to really figure out what/who he will look like. But it was so realistic and amazing. More than anything, it was amazing to share this with my family. He had his hand AND foot near his face (weirdo!) so the girl asked me to eat candy and exercise to move him around. It was hilarious to see myself go through a super quick workout with my family and then eat a KitKat bar as fast as possible. In retrospect, how did I not throw up? Lol! He moved around a little bit and we got a few clearer shots. He definitely is going to be a blankie-over-the-face baby! At the end, she hooked me up with a teddy bear with the baby's heartbeat- too cute. I gave it to my parents since they don't get to be around my baby bump and my dad held it for hours after. Tiny detail that I noticed and thought it was so sweet. It was raining, and he even kept it under his jacket. :)
After this, I left to see our other family (minus our out-of-town Squirrel- missed you!) and had the cutest, most chic baby shower! I pay so much attention to details and the girls did not disappoint! It was absolutely amazing and fun! I got to see so many girlfriends from high school and college that I hadn't seen in years- it was sooo nice and cozy! The boys all left together to do their own thing and at the end of the night, we all reunited for a little while. We are so so so blessed. The fact that we have been able to maintain such strong relationships/friendships with them despite living so far away is beyond me. The effort put forth is what makes it work but it goes beyond expectations. I love them so much and am so appreciative of their love, understanding, support and dedication to our friendship. Oliver D Cruz is going to have the coolest families. 
By the next day, it was time to leave and I ended up crying on my way out. Hormones + realizing how much you are missing by living far away from family = sad.
Later that week, we finally chose our pediatrician and so far as super pleased with our choice! The real test will be once our baby is here, but for now, that's a big check off our list! 
Week 31 started off with Thanksgiving! How perfect! I looove Thanksgiving food so I was excited! Spending some time with all of our family here was so nice and fun! I really enjoy family time (not just our blood family but our friend family in L.A. & that handful here in AZ). Maximizing our time and experiences with them is the most meaningful times right now for me. The next day, Geoff was in a friend's wedding and we had a night out with everyone- something we had not done in mooooonths! It was so fun and we spent the whole day/night laughing and dancing. Dancing with a baby bump is kinda weird, haha! The next morning, I called up some of my faves and had a Starbucks date. It was soo refreshing and fun to see these family members even for a little bit. Lately, all I want is to have meaningful and significant moments with those I cherish. I know my life is about to change drastically (even though I already feel that it has), and I don't know what our cards hold. I do know that I know what it's like to have 90% of your friends become mothers, which obviously takes priority over everything and everyone, and unfortunately, often times pushes friends away. Having these experiences as the outsider in the situation, I want to make sure that I get these moments to bond, laugh, just enjoy each other. I want to share where I am in my life with them and make them feel just as part of it. :)
As the week progressed, both Geoff and I had super busy and crazy weeks at work. We did manage to refinance our house at an excellent rate! Our payment will go down a couple hundred dollars which will go straight towards our new baby insurance monthly payment. Oh vey! When did becoming an adult mean having so many financial responsibilities? We decided we are having a weekend yard sale at Week 32. We have SO many medical bills that keep getting sent to collections from Geoff's second round of Cancer & surgery and SO many things our baby still needs (or better yet, we need for our peace of mind). But, it will be refreshing to declutter! :)
Another best moment during Week 31: Geoff and I took a tamale making class! It was one of my favorite dates in our 10 years! So fun, so intimate and much needed break from our busy schedules! Loved it! So did Oliver! ;)
At 31.6 weeks, we had our two week appointment with our midwife and everything is looking good! I'm just supposed to keep a careful eye on my contractions. I measured at 31 weeks (instead of 32) but she said that was normal, especially for my "tight, tiny belly!" haha!
Miss anything?: pretty content right now! I know I will be missing a lot of my out-of-town family (friends and relatives) because I think we are going to have to stay in AZ again this year for Christmas. I really hope my family is able to come, although it's looking less and less likely. Last year, Geoff and I had out first Christmas without my family. It hurt my heart. & just thinking of going through that again while pregnant makes it break a little bit. Praying it all works out! But by Christmas I will be 36 weeks (4 weeks away from delivery) and I don't know that traveling will be good for me, with these contractions I'm having. I want my baby to make it to a minimum of 37 weeks (or full term) and refuse to do anything to get him going ahead of time. I have even stopped working out- I'm staying active, but no typical workouts. :/
Movement: By these weeks, our baby seems to have run out of room, so his movements are so strong, hard, frequent and absolutely visible. It's insane. It has gotten to the point where it actually hurts sometimes! He is head-down and in position now! Exciting! & starting to feel pressure, as well!
Food cravings: I always have a sweet tooth now! Really?! Never ever had one before! I also crave meat. & cereal...but not together, gross! haha!
Anything making you queasy or sick?: I am finally not sick! I was starting to cough last week but doing so much better. At times I feel congested but I read that it is expected. 
Gender: our sweet, crazy baby boy. <3
Labor signs: Back to more frequent contractions.
Symptoms: Difficulty breathing; rib cage feels suffocated; belly feels like baby is going to shred it in half! So just lots of discomfort as he grows but no actual pains, which I attribute to staying active throughout my pregnancy! 
Belly button in or out?: So as of this last week, I have an outie most days! So so so so so weird! It is definitely out and not gross like I imagined! haha! 
Wedding rings on or off?: on
Happy or Moody most of the time?: Pretty moody. Happy go lucky like myself one day, and irritable the next. So weird!!
Looking forward to: We are going to L.A. this upcoming weekend (at Week 33) one last time for my niece's birthday. I am hoping for another great weekend there! Today is December 1st: next month, I'm having a BABY!!!

Oliver's ribs at 30 weeks!
Dressing my baby bump for work!
31.0 weeks
How adorable are these suede mocassins!?
First eveeeeer food drop caught by my belly! [technically at 32.0 weeks but I had to share]!
Baby Momma steeze!
Who needs maternity clothes?!
Our Christmas decor! SO in love with it! I saw a picture on Pinterest and Geoff
helped me duplicate it! It's hard to tell but it's all gold ornaments plus our favorite ones
from throughout the years. Sentimental ornaments are a BIG deal in our home & our
little tradition each year is to put up the ornaments and tell the story of each one.
We added small gold acorns, too! Love it!!
denim vest + maxi skirt + mocassins: comfort and steeze!
FOUR weddings in November: mocktails down!
My husband is SO handsome! <3


29 weeks!

Veteran's Day Parade 2012

How far along: 29 weeks, 6 days
Weight gain: +18 lbs.
Sleep: The usual now! Waking up a few times to go to the bathroom but Iknow I’m not getting enough rest. We go to sleep way too late and Oliver’splaytime is always around 11pm and we always check in with him at that time.Which calls for too much excitement, conversation and time ticking away withearly mornings a few hours away. Makes for very tired soon-to-be parents!
Best moment of the week: At 29.0 weeks (Friday), we had our baby showerand it was so amazing to be surrounded by friends who love us so much and wantto celebrate with us. I’ll be posting pictures as soon as I receive them! Mycamera decided to not work; I ended up having to order a new part for it, so Ihad to rely on friends taking pictures. I loved all the details that mygirlfriends who planned it put together (Bre, Becca & Yuky- thanks so muchgirls)! I finally got to give them their hostess gifts which made me happy,haha. I love gift giving! I am full of so much appreciation that theycompletely went out of their way to coordinate together and plan this specialevent for me, for us. It was hilarious and fun! Unlike any shower I have everattended and everyone had a blast! 115 jello shots?! I didn’t make it homeuntil past midnight! Seriously, amazing!

Saturday morning, I woke up really earlyand thanked everyone who attended or sent something. I was texting with mygirlfriend who lives out of town and decided that it was the perfect day tophysically be there for her so I left on a roadtrip out of town. There issomething so nice about being able to hug a friend when needed most. <3
Also, Geoff and I attended our last class at the hospital. This one focused on breastfeeding and it was extremelyinformative! It’s really the route we want and hope to take, but we don’t knowvery many friends who have done it. It was really interesting to learn howwell-equipped our bodies are to not only CREATE life but also to nourishanother human being. Amazing! I feel so much more confident, educated andinformed on how to go about it now.
Little guy at our Breastfeeding class

Miss anything: Sunshine! It has been gloomy the last couple of days.& while I love wearing tights, boots, leg warmers, gloves, scarves, etc…Idon’t like to be cold and gloomy weather messes with my mood too much!
Movement: Absolutely! I love hanging out with my little man. 
Food cravings: Nothing specific thisweek. My Pellegrino sparking water tends to curve my need for alcohol- forright now, haha!
Anything making you sick or queasy: Stillfighting off a cold! I woke up with a throatache this morning which for me isthe worst sign of a cold. My throat knocks me down like no other. L Itfeels a bit better as the day is progressing but it’s still there. I hope itgets completely eliminated by tomorrow!
Gender: Oliver D Cruz Montgomery—we decided to go without the period! :)
Labor signs: contractions have calmed down a bit. Woot!
Symptoms: so tired lately! Can’t tell if it’s just my lack of rest orpregnancy. I did read that at this point, a common symptom is exhaustion.
Belly button in or out: Goodness- lopsided?! It’s so weird! Baby prefersto be on my right side, so half of my belly button wants to pop out more thanthe other side!
Wedding rings on or off: I <3accessories! So still comfortably on, plus more!
Happy or moody most of the time: both!I don’t like being moody! Making a BIG effort to surround myself with onlypositivity! 
Looking forward to: This entire weekend! This afternoon, we have our(almost) 30 week appointment and I think we may be able to see our baby- I’m socurious to see what his position is- although I know it can change a bunch oftimes. Anything we get to see or hear our baby is amazing though! Counting downthe hours til then! Also looking forward to having lunch with Geoff and hisco-workers tomorrow- they are celebrating his part in all of this, haha! Wealso leave to L.A. tomorrow to be surrounded by our two little families. ;) On Saturday morning, mi familia is going with us to our 4D ultrasound! Hoping we get a clear picture but my expectations are pretty “eh!” about it! I know wewaited too long but it was so important to me that I get to share this withthem. Then we will be with our other little family for the rest of Saturday.Sunday, we’ll be returning back and making some stops along the way. I havebeen dying to go to Zara’s because it by far has the perfect baby boy wardrobeEVER! It is my #1 store for Oliver! Too bad it’s too pricey for me but I’mhoping there’s some sort of sale that will make me feel better about buyingbaby skinny jeans and a scarf! Lol! I am also looking forward to sellingeverything we are trying to declutter so that we can buy our baby his essentials. Why is baby stuff so expensive! Eek!
This came in right as we were leaving to L.A. Baby will wear this once he is born! :)


Hello, Third Trimester!

7 month baby bump [1.5 days shy] & pumpkin bump! <3

How far along: 28 weeks, 2 days today! Less than 12 weeks to go! Whoa! 
Weight gain: +16 lbs. Halfway to what is expected! I bought a pair of maternity leggings and it's so nice not to have anything creating pressure so low! Less trips to the bathroom! lol! Other than those, I am still wearing my regular jeans and all! :) Happy at 7 months! Especially when I get emails with awesome clothes like these:
Nooooo! Hahaha!

Sleep: I made myself a maternity pillow to see if it would help with me rolling onto my back! I didn't want to pay $50 for one so I figured I'd just made a basic one. The first few nights, every time I tried to roll onto my back, I would wake up so it those couple of nights were really restless! I've gotten a bit more used to it now though! But last night, specifically, I had super vivid nightmares and wasn't able to sleep through the night. Crazy stuff!
Best moment of the week: Feeling Oliver move in all these crazy positions! I actually felt him turn/flip today! Super different experience from kicks and stretches. Although, the stretching lately has been incredible. I cannot tell what position he is in or what part is which. He does favor my right side and I feel either his feet or hands on my obliques! That is so crazy! On Halloween, we went to my in-laws to pass out candy. Our neighborhood doesn't get many trick or treaters so we dressed up and went over. It was fun to see some of the little kids dressed up and imagine what life will be like. Although, in all honesty, I'm not a huge fan of kids. My kids in my family (friends included) are a different story as they are extensions of the people we love and we love them each. But random kids...yeah, not so much. Especially, misbehaved children when the parents don't discipline/watch their kids. So it was nice to see some kiddos who had manners and were well-behaved! It made me laugh everytime a parent would come up for candy with their newborn strapped on. Um...remind me never, ever to do that! Anyway, it was so nice to spend the evening with our family and each one got to feel Oliver kick! It is nice to finally have a baby bump! I am loving it!
With our nephew, Karston, as he claps away! <3
Honey Munster was NOT happy being dressed for Halloween! She is so cute, though!
Rosie the Riveter & Nerd! I may or may not be arching my back
as much as it allows! haha! We were the only ones who
dressed up but we love it!
We have had a suuper busy but enjoyable weekend! On Friday, I went to our playoff Football game at work, then ran home to change and make it to my girlfriend's birthday dinner. 
Happy Birfday, Yuky!
On Saturday, I worked at the gym first thing in the morning, then had to run a few errands. We took Oliver to visit Grandpa Frank (whose middle name was 'D' and is who we are naming Oliver after). It was so sweet because Oliver kicked while there. I felt like they were communicating. The morning I decided to take the pregnancy test, I [randomly] thought of Grandpa Frank. So to this day, I feel like he was telling me to take the test :). We also visited our dear friend Anthony. It is so weird to not have them present to share these life experiences with us. But at the same time, I feel so surrounded by them. Every single morning at work, we have prayer together (like mini-mass). We also pray for our intentions and not a day goes by that I don't officially pray for them (along with Don Ruben [Anna's grandfather] and our friend, Bridget.<3 
Hanging out with Grandpa Frank D Montgomery

Visiting Antknee
When we left the cemetary, we decided to go visit Grandma Loy. It was nice to see her again this week and spend some time with her. She loves genealogy, and showed us how she is adding Oliver to our part. Geoff and I have our own little family tree documented now. So cool. While there, we found out that on his grandmother's side, his family dates back to the US to the early 1600s. Prior to that, they come from Scotland. We are not sure on his grandfather's side. We already know that from his maternal grandparents side, they come from Spain. So interesting! 
After our visit, we went home to have a late lunch and hurry up and get ready for two weddings we were lucky enough to witness. One was friends of Geoff's and the other was a vow renewal (after 25 years of marriage). It felt pretty amazing to witness people start their marriage and renew it, as well. The 25 year one made me feel like time will fly by because we are already 10 years down and it feels just a few, haha! We took Cruz (our '41 Chevy) who Geoff named after our baby boy. It was fun but I was soo exhausted by the end of the night! Geoff still had a bachelor party to make it to that night but he was done. It was our first busy weekend out together! 
Hanging out with my date! <3

Sitting at Wedding 2 with my baby!
My little baby bump that I am absolutely loving! <3

Miss anything: Not right now! My sparkling water makes me happy; I actually feel like I'm drinking, haha!

Movement: see above! I got a pretty decent video of his movement tonight! I'll see if I can download it onto the page!
Food cravings: I just sent Geoff for stuff for ice cream sandwiches. I don't think it's a pregnancy craving per se, but what is, is that every time I have dinner, I want some sort of dessert, haha!
Geoff went to two different Subways to find the cookies
& got my mini ice cream cup :) It would have been easier to just
go to a store and buy both, but he knows I am trying to not to have
extras around due to my binge eating, lol! So sweet!
Anything making you sick or queasy: Luckily, not queasy anymore! But I do feel like I'm about to get sick! Perfect time to take my Airborne Chewables to prevent it buuut you can't take them if you are pregnant! Boo! So just prenatals and Vitamin B for this preggo! I reeeally hope I don't get sick, especially during this week! Boo!
Gender: Sweet/crazy baby boy!
Labor signs: Not as many contractions as the last few weeks- so glad!
Symptoms: Feeling pretty tired! Not sure if it's because I have been working two jobs nonstop or a pregnancy symptom! This is my last week at the gym though and I am so excited to just be able to come home after work! 
Belly button in or out: still close to the surface!
Wedding rings on or off: Those plus 1-3 more daily, haha!
Happy or moody most of the time: Some days I feel like myself, others I feel moody! Insane how that happens. It really blows my mind.
Looking forward to: My AZ baby shower is this Friday. Only 5 days away! Three of my closest girlfriends have generously and sweetly gotten together to plan this with the assistance of another gilfriend who is graciously opening her home to us. I am so excited to be around friends who are excited and happy and in celebratory moods! After hostimg my fair share of showers, it is so insane to be on this end! I am so blessed! This month is going to be fantastic! I will be finishing Job #2, & tomorrow we have our Newborn Class! I will be surrounded by friends this Friday, and we get a three-day weekend to celebrate those who fight/have fought for Oliver and the rest of us to have the liberties we do (Veteran's Day). The following week, we will have our Breastfeeding Class, our last monthly doctor's appointment (after that one it will be every two weeks- eek), we are going home to L.A. to be with our two families, we get our 4D ultrasound at 30 weeks, and before we know it, we will move on to the following week which will be Thanksgiving! Another wedding that weekend and a fourth at the end of the month! Haha! Lots and lots going on!
Random happenings this week in pictures:
I had to drive this 15 passenger van for work! Smooth ride, haha!
Faux bangs- highly recommended!!!
& happy 10 year anniversary to us! <3
with SarBear
Hi, Grandma/Momma!

So many friends were talking about these! They're okay! I'm hard to please!
P.S. Random funny story: I went to the market a few days ago because we needed
almond milk and while there decided to get some cereal. Which is usually
my after dinner dessert- Hi, Lucky Charms! Anyway, the man ahead of me in line
had his little daughter. His groceries were: two cases of Newcastle, two of energy drinks, and coffee!
Mine: Lucky Charms, Cookie Crisp and Honey Bunches of Oats...with regular & chocolate almond milk! haha! Pregnancy vs. Parenthood! 
This guy is so hilarious! I had him go with me to look for
shoes and he comes down the aisle wearing grandpa shoes!
So excited for Oliver's car seat that was gifted this week!
Oh hey there, Vegas roll!
His & hers! Happy Meal vs. meal-meal. Favorite fries!
Our not-so-little-anymore Gage! We vividly remember going to his
first birthday and during Week 27 weekend, he turned 8!! We had
a baby shower and his birthday party to attend and only made
it to the shower. But he visited us that night to pick up
his gifts! I wonder if Oliver will look like him!?

After work on Sunday morning, we went to town organizing the gym since
we had to move in our office stuff into it. I looove the feeling of being
organized and everything having its own place! It took all day
but was worth it! & we got the whole house cleaned, too!
Now onto the garage! Geoff has until Friday to get it done!
Yes, I'm crossing my fingers! ;)
This week's chalkboard!
& finally, with the chalkboard at 28w5d!
 Found a different place to hang it so my bump pics may be
from the other side for this trimester!
Will it make a difference, I wonder!?

This is so hilarious! I'll end my post with this one...I had been wanting to go to Motherhood because
my girlfriend, Jenn, had told me you could try on full term bellies!
Since my bump is smaller than average, I wanted to see what it would
look like! Crazy, right!? Hold I'm trying on my leggings and try on the
fake bump with them....& call Geoff in....His reaction: "OMG, BABE!!!
Is that a contraction!?!?!?" With the look of panic on his face!! haha!

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