33 weeks, 5 days- one official week of bedrest! Got to stand for my quick picture! A pineapple?!?! |
How far along? 33 weeks
Weight gain: Dropped a pound since last week :( Meaning that I am already losing muscle mass. My breakfasts and lunches this week have been healthy (the usual) but dinners have been hit and miss- so that's my only explanation for weight loss when I should be gaining a pound a week at this point. My belly is growing though! Finally bigger than my boobs! :]
Sleep: One would think that I would be sleeping a lot while on bedrest. Absolutely, positivitely, not. I think I do need to put more effort into doing that though. So yesterday, I actually took a nap. No, I slept through the day. From lunch to dinner basically! Nghttime rolled around...and that became morning time...which meant that the sun rose...and here I am...9:13am on a couple of hours of a nap! So backwards! Which is why I am not concerned about the baby not letting me sleep! haha!
Best moment this week: There are many things I am grateful for this week that I would consider best moments. Keeping it just as real, though, it is often difficult to focus on these things because bedrest is a psychological mindf*ck. No joke. I keep hearing how this is good for me (no it's not); to rest up because once baby is here...(I am not a rester); to enjoy and relax (relaxing to me is to be active); etc. etc. That, and I am alone 11 hours (on good days). Thank goodness Honey Munster is here! & thank goodness, I have family/friends who check up on me! I have appreciated every text, phone call, FB comment, visit, food- Geoff has been super happy with that delivery- magazine, snack, and Christmas tree for my room! <3 How a handful of people can make one feel so loved and supported is beyond me. Each moment of outreach has been a best moment this week. The best moment is actually knowing that tomorrow we hit 34 weeks and I get to leave my bed for a doctor's appointment (but that will be next week's best moment I'm sure)! Most importantly, the best overall part of this week is that we have managed to keep this baby inside for another week! <3
Miss anything?: Keeping my answer exactly the same because it is the obvious! Work (I am a workaholic), walking, sitting up, cleaning, organizing, moving. Mainly because I personally feel perfectly fine. It's not like I am sick. Laying in bed is NOT relaxing for me, at all. Doing all of the above is. So it will be new challenge for me (which I do love challenges)!
Movement: Active little guy in there! Glad I can still say that and I already can tell I'm going to miss feeling him move around. He spends all day and night with me, pitter pattering away, letting me know that life is bigger than all of this, and bringing me back to his amazing miraculous reality.
Food cravings: Everything always sounds nice!
Anything making you queasy or sick?: Nope :)
Gender: baby boy!
Labor signs: I move, I contract. Don't believe me? Come over! ;)
Symptoms: My back aaaaches! Damn bedrest! :( It's SO uncomfortable. The contractions are super uncomfortable too! My belly tightens up so tight it takes my breath away and the pressure starts to build like a volcano for anywhere between 30 seconds-3 minutes! It feels like my belly is going to explode! I have to breathe through them so I can focus. Sometimes it hurts, not like the baby is going to come out, but like my belly is about to literally burst.
I've also have gotten really stuffed up. Not sick, just sinuses! I had been reading for months that this is a super common pregnancy symptom but luckily hadn't experienced it until now.
Belly button in or out?: At this very moment it is out because he is pushing right up against it, but in another minute it'll go right back in, haha! It's insane! and SOOOOO soft, haha!
Wedding rings on or off?: on
Happy or Moody most of the time?: All of the above. Staying positive, but allowing myself to say that this sucks! haha! Gotta do this for the baby! Not me!
Looking forward to: finishing everything this weekend- because Geoff will be able to be home for longer than a couple of hours before bedtime! We have to finish the nursery (washing all his clothes, packing our hospital bag/diaper bag, etc.)! We have an Amazon shipment coming in today so I'm looking forward to finally having crib sheets and a bunch of must-have accessories. We are also getting baby gates for later because we found a great deal on them. Still have to decide what other things are necessary. Do we really need the breathing monitor? Should we spend $100 on the Ergobaby carrier? Should I attempt to Moby Wrap prior to the baby being here? Do I really need a Woombie or should I wait to see if my double swaddle method will work? Do I need the bassinet sheets or should I just use regular blankets? What baby book is the best? I found "My Baby Book" and it seems sweet enough! What's the best shopping cart cover- or do I need one? I registered for a really pretty one but now Idk! haha! Should i splurge on the Bjorn Babysitter- I love how basic and non-baby it is! & does the Windi work? Should I get it now or wait to see if he has colic! Should I start looking for a jogging stroller now? Or save up for the one I registered for? Ahhh, see? These are the RANDOM thoughts that just went through my mind as I typed. Oh yes, YOU are MY friend. Go figure, haha!
Week 33 in pictures!
Honey Munster has her eye focused on the Sophie prize! |
I got to "bedrest" in the nursery & read Oliver a great book! Haha! |
My first care package! Haven't read them yet! Waiting 'til disastrous boredom hits! |
My belly mid-contraction. Can you tell how hard and pushed out it gets? |
Oliver prefers my right side! |
Geoff leaves me breakfast, lunch and snacks in my lunch pail. <3 |
Love my handful. <3 |
My bedrest buddy! |
How Geoff and I keep track of contractions! |
Hello from Bedrestland! |
Honey & Baby Bump! |
Her mornings consist of sunbathing, then curling up next to me for some sleep.
She is currently snoring right now, haha! |
wearing ODCM <3 |
Just a random page from the book I was reading... |
Bedrest! He thinks it's awesome. I'm fed up! haha! |
So sad. Bad timing. :(
I had been wanting to try these- they're good but bad for you :( |
I have been searching for this new sewing machine for so long and now it is sold out everywhere. I almost shed a tear! |
Almost 8.5 months pregnant with our One & Only. |
Eye on the Prize! |
Working from home is a blessing! I'll take whatever hours I can get! |